Laurence King Verlag / Pattern Magic

Hersteller: Laurence King Verlag

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Lagereinheit ISBN: 9781856697057
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Pattern Magic_Paperbackausgabe

Pattern Magic is the cult pattern-cutting book from Japan. Taking inspiration from nature, from geometric shapes and from the street, this book harnesses the sheer joy of making and sculpting clothes. Pattern Magic takes a creative approach to pattern cutting, with step-by-step projects for fashion designers and dressmakers to enjoy. All the basic information you need to start pattern cutting is included, from the basic block to measurements and scaling. Each project is beautifully illustrated with clear diagrams and photographs showing the stages of construction, the toiles and the finished garments. These easy-to-follow illustrations and detailed instructions make it easy to create stunning, sculptural clothes with a couture look.

Step-by-step projects for fashion designers and dressmakers - with clear diagrams and photographs.
Gives all the basic information needed to start pattern cutting: from the basic block to measurements and scaling.
Easy-to-follow, detailed instructions make it easy to create stunning, sculptural clothes with a couture look

Reviews for Pattern Magic:
'The feeling of figuring the puzzle out makes this book series a joy to explore' House of Pinheiro

'If you've mastered the basics of pattern cutting, have caught the bug and are eager to experiment with complex 3d designs, you should definitely take a look at Pattern Magic' Tilly And The Buttons Blog

'I've had an explosion of inspiration, and I'm not even an expert in sewing!...I'm sure that many of you, fashion designers or not, can learn a lot from these tutorials'

Part 1: Creating form through inspiration:
Accents, Gathered hole, Crater, The drop hole, Lumps and bumps

Part 2: Making patterns for haute couture garments:
Draped design, The twist, Hide and seek, Interwoven design, Bamboo shoot, The knot, Two distinct expressions, An intriguing curve, Bunka-style sloper (block) for an adult woman, Bunka-style sloper (block) for an adult woman (Size M) (half-scale)

Veröffentlicht: Sep 06 2010
Seiten: 104
256 x 192mm
ISBN: 9781856697057


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